Special Appearances

That's me in the green jacket at the podium in Dec 2023! It's the first time I publicly shared this many details of my story - the healing journey that led to the opening of this business. 

This is my testimony of how I came to find that Everything. Really CAN be. Grace. Click the speaker icon to hear a quality audio of the speech without the echo in the church. :)

My podcast interview! Click the microphone icon to take an even deeper dive into my story, this time my marriage story, and hear the journey that led us to "I Do." This man of mine is the kind of person that sticks around even after your cancer diagnosis when you are only 11 months into dating and not even exchanging "I Love You's" yet. The kind that comes to every treatment and cooks dinner for your family after. Check it out!

My journey from NCAA All-American volleyball player to the collegiate hall of fame. Click the video icon to check out my acceptance speech and get a unique glimpse into my heart!

My "WHY" behind this business and WHAT makes me unique as a photographer. 

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